Governo Kambaja liu husi Ministry of Civil Service Komvida Komisaun Funsaun Publika-KFP hanesan Instituisaun Estadu Timor Leste nian hola parte iha Seminario ho tema Capacity Building on Transformative Leadership for Middle Level Officials of AMS Countries and Timor Leste.
Seminariu ne’e loke ofisialmente husi H.E. Mr. Chhun Socheat, Director General of the General Department of Civil Service Policy, Ministry of Civil Service, ho durasaun tempu loron 3 hahu husi 22 to’o 24 agustu 2023, Komisaun Funsaun Publika ne’ebe hola parte iha Semonariu refere reprezenta husis Sekretaria Ezekutiva KFP Maria da Costa Oliveira no Xefe Departamentu Kuadru Pesoal-KFP Juvenal Baptista Mendonca.
Objetivu husi seminariu ne’e atu fahe siensia no esperiensia lideransa husi pesoal sira ne’e hola parte iha Nasaun membru ASEAN nian no Timor Leste, mais 3 (tres) nasaun seluk hanesan China, Koreia no Japaun.
Seminariu ne’e foti tematika sira mais importante hodi diskute maka hanesan, iha abertura ninian ligadu ba Tranformative Leadership ho nia sesaun sira maka hanesan Leadership and Personal Effective, Effective Communication in Our Organisation, Effective Communication Pratices in the Philippine Civil Service Communication no Strategic Communication. Iha loron dal-rua nian ligadu ba Preformence Management System of Korean Civil Service ho nia sesaun sira maka hanesan Performence Management System in Thai Public Sector, Timor Leste’s Civil Service Staff Performent, Enhancing Public Sector Performence in Vietnam. Iha parte lokraik nian maka aprezentasaun konaba Inspiring Innovation in Public Service Delivery ho nia sesaun sira Creating Innovation Movement in Cambodian Public Service Delivery-Roles of Leaders, Innovation Tecnhiques in Public Service Delivery of your Organisation. Iha loron dal-tolu nian maka hala’o Study Tour, halo Reflesaun no taka ofisialmente husi H.E. Mr. Chhun Socheat, Director General of the General Department of Civil Service Policy, Ministry of Civil Service. Ekipa KFP hahu viajen ba seminariu refere iha loron 20 fulan agustu no fila fali mai Timor Leste iha loron 26 fulan agustu tinan 2023.